Mailing Address
The mailing address for the Wright City Food Pantry is: Wright City Food Pantry, 150 Trotters Creek Ln., Wright City MO. 63390

Wright City Community Food Pantry is the culmination of the ideas and convictions of a number of Wright City residents, churches, and community leaders. Since the departure of the last food pantry from the community, many in Wright City had been unserved. Without our food pantry, the closest pantries would be Warrenton and Wentzville with many of the local residents struggling with transportation for food assistance.
Founded in 2016 doors first opened at a temporary building behind the Wright City Church of the Nazarene. In November 2020 with the help of a local property owner, the pantry moved to a stable building rental at 217 E 1st St N.
The Wright City Community Food Pantry is powered by it’s community: the location and website, the helping hands and leadership, special food drives and events, and donations. Whether you are giving or receiving Wright City Community Food Pantry is YOUR food pantry.
The Wright City Community Food Pantry is located at 217 E. First Street North, Wright City, MO 63390.
Hours of Operation
The Wright City Community Food Pantry is open the second and fourth Saturdays of the month from 9:00 AM until 12:00 PM (noon). The Wright City Community Food Pantry is also open on Wednesday evenings from 4 PM until 6 PM. The Wright City Community Food Pantry takes clients on a first come, first serve basis.
Community Resources
Check out this page for various community resources.